Monday, March 29, 2010

Mission baby fat loss - day one

So it's been a year and the baby weight isn't gone. A year and 2 weeks actually. I lost all but 6 pounds within a week or two of delivery and have basically maintained that weight. I did get sick and got as close to 2 pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight, but now I'm back up. I am terribly out of shape. I have gotten used to this enormous appetite that pregnancy and breastfeeding has given me and now that I stopped breastfeeding, the pounds are actually going up.

So starting today, I will watch what I eat and I am committed to trying to exercise during the week. I know this is probably of no interest to anyone, but I'm going to journal it here because I think I will make wiser choices and not opt for that doughnut or slice of cake in the breakroom if I have to record it somewhere. And I do not want to start a separate blog for this. So I'll record stuff here throughout the day and hopefully hold myself accountable and hopefully not bore any readers I have to tears.

Weight this morning:
153 (after workout and drinking two large glasses of water)

I woke up at 5 am today and I actually did the 20 minute turbo jam. I'm patting myself on the back for that one.

1 whole grapefruit
8 oz Coke
1 Bagel Thin with about 1.5 tbsp cream cheese
1 Fiber One Oats and Chocolate bar
12 oz Coke
2 cups veggie rice casserole (see below)
5 mini carrots
handful of peanuts
2 smallish bean and cheese burritos with green sauce and sour cream

I declined the crueller offered by my coworker and have resisted the bowl of candy outside of my cubicle all morning. Did I mention I woke up at 5 AM to work out? Oh and I stretched TOO!

2 glasses of coke? Totally unnecessary.

Impromptu Veggie Rice Casserole
While cooking 1 cup of dry wild rice in a separate pot. I sauteed some celery, onions and carrots in a little canola oil until soft in a medium saucepan. I added 2 tbsp of oil to that and 2 tbsp of flour and cooked over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Next I added in about a cup and a half of milk (any variety of milk works) and cooked another 10 minutes to make a basic white sauce. I added in a frozen bag of corn and stirred and removed from heat. I seasoned to taste with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Once cooled, I cracked and mixed in 2 eggs. I microwaved fresh cauliflower and broccoli (about 4-5 cups) for 2.5 minutes to soften a little and mixed into the pot of veggies. When the rice was done, I mixed that in too. I preheated the oven to 400. I poured my soupy mixture of veggies and rice in a 2 quart casserole dish and baked it until the eggs were set (about 35 minutes). I topped with about a cup of shredded sharp cheddar and returned to oven. I turned the broiler on and cooked until cheese was melted and bubbly. All in all, not too bad on the calorie intake. A cup of cheese to 5-6 entree servings and minimal oil used.

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Malena said...

Awesome! I will follow your journey and I do not doubt for one moment that you will reach your goal!

I am at a stand still myself and need to do something drastic. Eating 2 freshly baked cinnamon buns do not help.

Melanie Busbee said...

Kudos to you and your efforts! I will wish the best for you. I have to say I agree with Malena. YOU CAN DO IT! I've seen you drop much more weight than 6 pounds. I know you have self-control, and that's all it takes.
I seriously dread the end of breastfeeding...then I too will have to diet. UGGGHHHH.
P.S. The word verification code for this comment was 'vingissa.' Could they have created a dirtier word?

teg said...

We can always start taking walking breaks at work again, too!

Jeni said...

"The word verification code for this comment was 'vingissa.' Could they have created a dirtier word?"

Hahahaha, no I don't think they could have!

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