Monday, January 19, 2009

Holy guacamole!

So as I indicated earlier this week, I had avocados. What do you do when life, er, Trader Joe's gives you avocados? You make guacamole! My friend from Guatemala will go on a 10 minute rant about how the only ingredients in guacamole should be lime juice, avocados and salt. While his guacamole is traditional, I prefer it with the addition of a couple of more ingredients.
Makes about 2 cups
3 ripe avocados
1/4 cup minced red onion
1/2 diced tomato (I've used chunky salsa instead in a pinch)
1 1/2 tb lime juice (I used the bottled stuff, so start with a little less if you're using the real thing)
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt (plus more to taste if you like it saltier)

Cut avocados in half lengthwise. Remove and discard the seed. Scoop out the flesh with a spoon into medium bowl. Break up the avocado into smaller pieces with a fork. Add all ingredients except the tomato and mash with fork until almost creamy. I like chunks in my guacamole. Add tomatoes and stir to combine. Refrigerate if not using immediately.

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miss v said...

yum yum yum! (and yum!)

Heather said...

i love guacamole. i didn't always love it - in fact i used to hate it. but now i just adore it. i'm with your friend, except i do add garlic sometimes, and sometimes a dash of honey. yours looks tasty with the tomatoes, that's how nick likes it!

Melanie Busbee said...

I bought avocados the other day with hungry hopes of making guacamole. I'll probably do so tonight. Yours looks fantastic!

Dewi said...

Delicious, I love guacamole very much, and having a hard time to understand why some of my friend can not appreciate the taste.

Thistlemoon said...

I love guac! I like tomatoes and onions in mine too.

The Blonde Duck said...

Saw you on Heather's blog and had to say hi! Now I'm totally craving guacamole!

Melissa said...

I agree - I like it with the additions of onion and tomato. Been too long!

Psst... did you see my nom for you on FFF? :D

Jeni said...

Thanks everyone! It's hard to feel guilty gorging on guacamole too since it's made from avocados!!

Melissa - I was wondering who nominated me. I feel so honored. Thank you!!

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