Monday, June 15, 2009


People that whistle or sing music in public piss me off. What's one of your peeves?

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MyLastBite said...

My husband whistles ONLY when I ask him to do something... like take out the trash. ANNOYING!

Unknown said...

Rustling plastic bags. Incessant clearing of throats. Coughing or sneezing without covering. Rudely interrupting. Ending sentences with prepositions. Whining. Crying. Foot tapping (especially on a shared bench or in auditorium seating). The list goes on and on.
Strangely, singing and whistling don't bother me, but humming does. :)

teg said...

Oh my gosh - you must be talking about that ass who was whistling in the office today - I actually screamed "shut up!" from my desk. Either he didn't hear me or he didn't care :)

Malena said...

Can't stand when someone uses the same knife to first butter toast and then stick it in the jam jar... yuck! or when the (maybe) same person picks the pickles out the jar with their fingers...

Melanie Busbee said...

How do you even hang out with me?! I sing all the time in public.
But my pet peeve is when people don't make eye contact when speaking to me.

Jeni said...

Oh god, throat clearing and foot tapping on benches irritate me too!!!!

Melanie you never sing in public with me though!

Joyanna said...

People who talk on their cell phone really loudly when it's a dead quiet room...or even when it's not dead quiet. People who confuse travesty with tragedy. Newscasters that don't lend any sort of gravity to bad news. "30 people were killed in a tragic plane crash today. So! John! What's the weather going to be like!!??"

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