Friday, September 5, 2008

About that peanut butter

I purchased and devirginized that Skippy natural peanut butter (Minna's recommendation) last night. It's the best natural-esque peanut butter I've had thus far. It doesn't separate into an oily mess, doesn't require refrigeration, oh and it TASTES GOOD!!! It does have a smidgen of sugar, but no high fructose corn syrup, no hydrogenated oils and no preservatives. Thanks Minna. I'll never buy another peanut butter again.

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Malena said...

Oh yeah! My favorite too! Just watch how much you eat. I've heard that if you avoid nuts when pregnant it decreases nut allergies for your baby...I don't know if it's true though...

Malena said...

I wanted to add, that the same goes for shell fish during pregnancy, but that's what I craved. I've never had so much mussels and shrimp before as when I was preggo...and the kids are fine...

Jeni said...

Thank you so much for the insight. There are so many old wives tales out there! Yesterday I read that someone had been told that peanuts caused asthma LOL (no info to back that up, nor confirmed by a doctor).

You know, I've heard that too, but from research and what I can find, the best way to reduce risk to nut allergies for kids is to not feed them nuts as babies. It's even okay to eat them while breastfeeding...Oh and yeah I've been eating a good amount of shrimp and scallops(once a week or so) because other meat just hasn't appealed to me really.

MamaMin said...

Glad you like it!

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