Friday, July 25, 2008

Pop's Backdoor - Peabody Street, Durham

A month (or a few) ago Pop's (one of our most frequently visited local eateries) opened their backdoor. Pop's Backdoor began selling pies and calzones in a new business venture. I finally picked up a couple of their pies last night to take home, and this morning I am still wondering why I waited so long to try them out! They are located behind the brightleaf square main parking lot, adjacent to Parker and Otis. And from what I can tell, you can basically get a pizza from 11:30am–10:00pm.
On to the pizza. For myself I got the 10inch version of the #2. This beautifully golden (not too thick and not too thin) crust was topped with a wonderful pomodoro sauce. It had the perfect amount too. It was just enough for a coating, not too runny and perfectly balanced flavor. Next there was a layer of wonderful crispy pancetta (think Italian bacon), followed by a tender-crisp layer of thinly-cut potato slices. This was topped off with mounds of garlicky spinach and very good quality mozzarella cheese.

Yummy thinly sliced potatoes!
The mild acidity of the sauce was beautifully balanced by the saltiness of the pancetta. The firm, mild potatoes were balanced by the garlicky spinach. Every element in this pizza complimented and balanced the others. My personal pizza was eaten in two rounds over the course of the evening because I couldn't bare to save my leftovers.Layers of crispy pancetta
This is a combination I never would have imagined myself, but quite unmistakenly is the best pizza I have EVER had. It was just everything I love about pizza.
Garlicky spinach mounds amongst piles of gooey mozzarella
Mark had the pepperoni and mushroom (button and portobello), which he seemed to really enjoy (I didn't try it or photograph it because I was too busy devouring mine). It's a little pricey for pizza but you really do get what you're paying for. The specialty pizzas run $10 for a 10 inch and you can also build your own starting at $7.

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MegRNC said...

Backdoor is amazing, as are their prices. I love their spicy hawaiian.

Jeni said...

The quality of the ingredients is EXCELLENT for the price!

sarah j. gim said...

Jeni -

I have to say - pizza is probably one of the HARDEST foods to photograph well for how good it actually tastes, and here, you have done it.



Jeni said...

Thank you so much! An awesome compliment from someone who really knows their food photography. You made my day :)

emily said...

Incidentally, I ate there last night and had the leftovers this morning (which were still delicious).

MG said...

I was looking into Pop's Backdoor for unique pizzas. I like Randy's and their price and options are better, but the combinations aren't as unique.

Potato pizzas are a traditional dish in Italy and are recently becoming huge again with Jim Lahey's book and his potato pizza/focaccia in NY. They are indeed rather tasty! Digressing, your blog gave me a bit more insight as to what my pie may look like when I order it.

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