Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mission baby fat loss - day 25

DAY 25
Weight this morning:


I'm done logging what I eat and drink. It's too much to keep up with.

This weekend we're celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary and have agreed to drop the diet for our lunch and dinner on Saturday. I'm so looking forward to it!

Oops! I forgot to pack my string cheese today! And I so didn't feel the workout this morning. When I woke up at 4:30, I just set the alarm for later. Ah well. I had a beer tonight. I was coerced by my hubby :) We still ate responsibly though!

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Malena said...

You're doing so great!

How do you store your frittata pieces if you cook them ahead?

Do you feel hungry a lot or dizzy? I'm doing phase 1 now too, and I don't remember feeling like this last time.

Jeni said...

I just store it in squares in the fridge and nuke a square each morning. I am hungry all the time. We're not doing phase 1 strict. I don't limit how many snacks I can have. When I'm hungry, I eat! Which is probably why my weight loss is slow ;) No dizziness but up all hours of the night peeing. It's like being pregnant again hahaha!!! NOT!

Melanie Busbee said...

I didn't realize Mark was joining you in this weight loss adventure! Go team go!!! It's awesome to have a partner to help you along the way. You were always such an inspiration back when we used to work out together.

Malena said...

Just wanted to wish you Happy Anniversary before this day slips away from me. Have a wonderful weekend!

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