Friday, April 2, 2010

Mission baby fat loss - day five

Weight this morning:

I didn't set the alarm and actually managed to sleep past 5 am for the first time this week. I've worked hard and I deserved that extra sleep. I also woke up NOT SORE this morning. It appears my body is already acclimating to movement ;)

1 small bowl of oatmeal with 1/4 cup of raisins
12 oz Cherry Coke Zero
1 small apple
handful of peanuts/trailmix
1 small iceberg salad with ginger dressing
2 sushi rolls (8 pieces each)

Still no ice cream (yesterday)! I know this doesn't sound like an accomplishment, but I've literally eaten ice cream or chocolate every single day since I was like 3 months pregnant. This week, it's just been a small (hershey's kiss size) piece of chocolate daily.

Okay I ended up having late night ice cream. And it was good damn it.

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Vanessa Greenway said...

Hey Jenni! We should get together sometime and go for a walk with the girls! Best! Vanessa

Unknown said...

You've inspired me!

It's rather sad, really, that your starting weight is my target weight. I refuse to get bogged down in the numbers, though. Instead, I'm just visualizing myself looking better in that swimsuit in nine weeks. :)

Jeni said...

I'm so glad I inspired you! Oh and don't be bogged down by numbers! Have I mentioned that I'm 5'4"?????? Eating healthy and exercising is just a better way to live (with regular indulgences of course). If you look at everyone elses numbers, it's just depressing. Trust me, I know :)

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